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CoroutinesInterop (Boolean)

Globally enables or disables support for all coroutines interop features. This setting is only a prerequisite; features must still be individually enabled.

When this setting is true, SKIE will add a runtime dependency needed by the Coroutines features, but only if the project also depends on the Kotlinx Coroutines library.

The default value is true.

Gradle configuration:

skie {
features {
coroutinesInterop.set(true) // or false

Suspend Functions

Enabled (Boolean)

Controls if the suspend functions feature is enabled for the given function.

The default value is true.

Annotation configuration:

import co.touchlab.skie.configuration.annotations.SuspendInterop

suspend fun enabled() {

suspend fun disabled() {

Gradle configuration:

import co.touchlab.skie.configuration.SuspendInterop

skie {
features {
group {
SuspendInterop.Enabled(true) // or false


Enabled (Boolean)

Controls if SKIE replaces all Flow types in the given function signature.

The default value is true.

Annotation configuration:

import co.touchlab.skie.configuration.annotations.FlowInterop

fun enabled(): Flow<Int> = flowOf(1)

fun disabled(): Flow<Int> = flowOf(1)

Gradle configuration:

import co.touchlab.skie.configuration.FlowInterop

skie {
features {
group {
FlowInterop.Enabled(true) // or false